Spreadsheet Automation

(Under Development)

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Having worked closely with several Optimus customers who regularly experienced this situation first hand; the team at Optimus directed their focus on identifying progressive technology software providers who have successfully addressed this very specific industry challenge.

Do so much more for less

We are delighted to say that our search led us to “Element” who were able to prove that with the use of their “Spreadsheet Uploader Solution” the cleansing and streamlining of data could be done effortlessly, which in some instances saved days of time and cost!

As a business we have created and seen many import routines, but the solution we evaluated from Element, we see as a significant step up from other industry solutions.

As one customer stated, “It’s like having another member of staff who does everything in a fraction of the time, plus they don’t make any mistakes, everything is always so carefully validated”.

Key benefits of Element Uploader Integration

Allows the Import of any spreadsheet into your Optimus dash MIS.

By intelligently validating the customer supplied spreadsheet contents, “Element Uploader” will make sense of any inconsistent data.

Using “Optimus Web Services” XML messages are mapped between Element and Optimus, enabling a quote or a full production job to be created within seconds.

Save days of time and reap the upstream benefits of the removal of manual order handling.

By dramatically improving the speed and accuracy of processing customer campaigns,
re-invest the substantial time and money savings elsewhere within your business.

Explore the potential to widen your service offering. Your customers can be provided with a fully branded, secure system for campaign briefing, store profiling, call off ordering and reporting.